"Hi Robert
Sorry I took so long to reply to the message you sent me. I've not been checking here often enough lately.
I'm just another virtual traveller like you, who came upon this place and have set up camp here.
Well that looks sound to me. (and warm in winter.) I'm no building expert so I couldn't say anything else really.
It looks to be quicker to assemble a building this way. Is it less expensive?"
"Could you make a steel framing that in itself gives all the strength one would need and than use your method to build all the walls etc. Basically taking what you have and putting a steel frame around it. Sure that probably takes some away from your…"
"If I understand the idea my guess would be 'image'. People can't see it being strong enough. You could add something to make it give more strength but mostly gives people the warm fuzzy feeling it strong and long lasting.
I don't agree with your…"
I am representing Engineering Services Copamy fron India having 2 office in USA also. we are network partner of Soildworks.
If any company is looking for CSWP on contract, you can contact me. Our engineers are CSWP ;having 5 years of minimum exprience. All are basically Mechanical Engineer.
Our Domain knowledge :
OIL & GAS / Oil Tools / subseas.
Packaging Machninery,
Industry machinery.
We also do :
software development & testing for CAD & Mechanical engineering Software.
CAD / CAM / CAE Software Development
Knowledge Based Engineering
Addins for manufacturing firms with their existing CAD CAE CAM packages.
For more details,please visit www.sungrace-group.com.
or drop an email to parag@sungrace-group.com
Jeff, these systems have been around for a few dozen years now, but the special interest groups, ie concrete and lumber industries manage everyone very well. The schools are even working in the dark, remember the still think the world is flat, but times are changing now, shit has hit the fan and we must change the way we live.
The Strata Group dose it best so far. They come right out of the ground with E
PS Foam reducing the ground transfer of energy and radon gas etc.
Sure perception has a huge roll in the products we buy.
I started my Blog just to document the existence of companies that have taken the idea to market, but it's hard changing that negative thinking about EPS Foam. I have introduced the problem to the trade schools and found that even there the problem persists. A good idea needs a huge budget a lots of time. I wrote Al Gore, with the suggestion that if we started building this way we would not only save trees but save big on the energy consumption problem trying to heat and cool our homes. He replied by asking for monetary donations to his ad campaigns....... The EPS Systems are gaining strength now without much help from ads etc, but the shortages in wood. concrete etc.
Jeff, I guess my point is it's a great "Idea" but most think the world is still flat.
Second point is never use your own interest in anything to make your fortune with, because the world is still flat to most people;-(
Nice to connect with you here. Hope we may help each other in the future.
If any company is looking for CSWP on contract, you can contact me. Our engineers are CSWP ;having 5 years of minimum exprience. All are basically Mechanical Engineer.
Our Domain knowledge :
OIL & GAS / Oil Tools / subseas.
Packaging Machninery,
Industry machinery.
We also do :
software development & testing for CAD & Mechanical engineering Software.
CAD / CAM / CAE Software Development
Knowledge Based Engineering
Addins for manufacturing firms with their existing CAD CAE CAM packages.
For more details,please visit www.sungrace-group.com.
or drop an email to parag@sungrace-group.com
http://www.koreteck.com/ Buttler Buildings
just a few many more in the west

Polycore Canada Inc. Built this structure in Edmonton Alberta
Jeff, these systems have been around for a few dozen years now, but the special interest groups, ie concrete and lumber industries manage everyone very well. The schools are even working in the dark, remember the still think the world is flat, but times are changing now, shit has hit the fan and we must change the way we live.The Strata Group dose it best so far. They come right out of the ground with E
PS Foam reducing the ground transfer of energy and radon gas etc.

their site http://www.strataus.com
That's what they do now, but it's a expensive step that is not necessary for 0ne or two story structures.
Sure perception has a huge roll in the products we buy.I started my Blog just to document the existence of companies that have taken the idea to market, but it's hard changing that negative thinking about EPS Foam. I have introduced the problem to the trade schools and found that even there the problem persists. A good idea needs a huge budget a lots of time. I wrote Al Gore, with the suggestion that if we started building this way we would not only save trees but save big on the energy consumption problem trying to heat and cool our homes. He replied by asking for monetary donations to his ad campaigns....... The EPS Systems are gaining strength now without much help from ads etc, but the shortages in wood. concrete etc.
Second point is never use your own interest in anything to make your fortune with, because the world is still flat to most people;-(