Tips for using the EX

Notes and Suggestions for using the Engineering Exchange - we value your participation and contribution to building this community.

There are several areas across the EX for posting and this quick overview gives some general guidance on best practices.




Groups are a great place to join and start targeted conversations, share info, and connect with peers with same interests. In Groups, you can post on the wall general comments and use the Group level forum to start a threaded conversation. *Note: Please contact me if there is a specific Group you would like to have created. We are very open to starting new Groups and accommodating users.


Images & Video

Please write a description and / or detail out the image or video. This really helps explain what we're looking at and there maybe a good back story. Be as detailed as possible and take a few extra moments to describe the render, image, picture or video.


A blog is simply an online journal and a great place for commentary where you can also can add pictures, videos and other multimedia. Blogs are great for making general comments, sharing an opinion or experience. I've always viewed blogs as your personal voice and gives opportunity for others to comment if compelled.


Are the place to ask and answer questions and participate in an on-going conversation. There are two places for Forums.

The first is site wide - Forum menu at top - has some categories for starting a discussion. We're always open to suggestions on new categories, so if you have one - please send me a message.

The second place is within a Group itself. You must be a member of the Group and starting a discussion within the Group is a great place for a really focused conversation. Use the Forums in either place when you need feedback, are looking for advice and/or want to have a clear thread on posting around that topic. When approaching Forums, I think of a casual party when engaging. You wouldn't just barge into a party and start talking AT people, but perhaps you may listen to the conversation around you first, and then contribute or start your own conversation. Forums are also a great place of course to get a question answered from other experts.

Wall Posts

Within Groups there are the comment walls. Walls are a good place to post links and brief comments relevant to that specific Group. Often I see great comments on walls that really should be started as a Forum post in the Group to keep the conversation going. So when posting something to the wall, if your looking for feedback, start a discussion instead!

The wall posts are arranged to just flow down as members post comments to the wall. Every member also has their own personal wall where friends can post comments. The wall posts are similar to Facebook pages where friends can write on your wall.

What's Happening?

On your own custom page "My Page" at the top, you'll see a place to just input very brief current happenings just like Twitter. In fact you can link your Twitter account and Facebook account to the EX, so one post on the EX will update your Twitter and Facebook accounts if you check the boxes under your status bar. You will need to connect both accounts, and this is made easy by just clicking on the Share with Twitter and/or Facebook on your own page.


Images, Video and Photos

Share as much as you like but please keep on topic. I admit a couple photos of Ferrari's is not the most targeted kind of material, but I think its cool anyway. I'd rather see an exploded view of the car or engine, with details and call-outs or a render of someones work - but thats not always available, so use your best judgement. Anything really off topic or obscene will be trashed and will cast you off the Engineering Exchange.

With video, you can upload direct or simply input an embed code from any number of video providers including You Tube if you want to share. You can also comment on and rate any image or video and this really helps drive content, so please rate whenever possible.

Contact me anytime with feedback or suggestions and look forward to seeing you on the Engineering Exchange.