I usually go to the Eastec in Mass every year in May to see the lastest machines so this will be my first time going to this show. I will let you know what I think of it.
I do not have the time this year, but will try to make it next year. Any chance you are going to be at the BIOMEDevice show in Boston in April?"
Thank you for the download. I really like your site, we do the same kind of work. I have a full time day job as a Sr.Mfg Engineer for a contract medical assembly company, but also have my own Design company at home. Its called Terry Design…"
Hi,this is daniel,a engineer professional in plastic and metal machining prototype in China,hope have an opportunity to work with you. Email:daniel.lou@jevny.com / www.jevny.com /
There should be an add as friend under my picture, but I think you already accepted my request. Do you have a website for your home business? I get overloaded from time to time and need some help, so I could send you some small stuff from time to time. Shoot me an email some time at nrgarrett@cruxtone.com
Hi,this is daniel,a engineer professional in plastic and metal machining prototype in China,hope have an opportunity to work with you. Email:daniel.lou@jevny.com / www.jevny.com /